1919 – 1982

Muhammad al-Mahdi al-Majthub was an admired poet from al-Damar, the capital of the River Nile state in North Sudan. He is credited with being one of the first poets to Sudanise Arabic poetry.
He published more than seven collections of poetry, including: Nar al-Majathib (1969), al-Farasha wa al-Hijra (1973), Manabir (1982), Tilk al-Ashya’ (1982), Shahath fil Khartoum (1984), al-Qaswa fil Haleeb (2005), Aswat wa Dukhan (2005), Ghara wa Ghurub (2013), Mitwala al-Bashara (1975), al-Ghurban (1975), al-Khuruj (1975).